Dev.Play Awards Winners History:

Winners 2018

1/ Nordic Game Discovery Contest

Bossgard / Sand Sailor Studio


2/ Best Game Design

Interrogation / Critique Gaming


3/ Special Award: 2018 Concept Art Contest

– 2D: Sandra Al-Assaf / “Starving Yokai

– 3D: Vanessa Romascanu / “Harpy


4/ Best Visuals

Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure / Stuck in Attic


5/ Best Mobile Game

Castle Siege: War of Legends / Firebyte Games


6/ Outstanding Achievement for the Romanian Game Dev Industry

Dan Dimitrescu / Killhouse Games


7/ Best Game of the Show

Interrogation / Critique Gaming


Winners 2017

1/ Nordic Game Discovery Contest

Yaga / Breadcrumbs Interactive


2/ Best Game Design

Raiders of the Lost Island / Last Tales


3/ Best Visuals

Yaga / Breadcrumbs Interactive


4/ Outstanding Achievement for the Romanian Game Dev Industry

Cristina Neamtu / AMC Pixel Factory


5/ Best Game of the Show

Raiders of the lost island / Last Tales